My name is George Louthan; I’m a maker, hacker, computer geek, and IT ops enthusiast. I currently lead an awesome team of cloud security engineers at AppDynamics, part of Cisco. Previously I worked in high performance computing, helping found Tulsa’s (sadly now-defunct) Tandy Supercomputing Center, where I served as the center director, later serving as Associate Director for Research Computing Strategy at the University of Oklahoma’s supercomputing center, OSCER.
Since 2017 I’ve co-led the Black Team for the Southwest Regional Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (SW CCDC), where we design, deploy, and support all aspects of IT operations for the competition. I strongly believe that CCDC is the best possible experience a college student can get to prepare them for a career in IT ops or security.
I also help with Queercon, the LGBT community event at DEF CON, where I work on Queercon’s electronic badges as the lead coder and logistics/sourcing person. In the DEF CON electronic badge community, I’m known as the guy who gets added on Facebook by Chinese vendors’ sales reps.
In grad school I moonlit hosting karaoke at an arts bar. These days I moonlight writing software for embedded electronics. One of those involves late nights, confused wailing, and no pay. The other, of course, is karaoke.
In 2014 I was honored by the Tulsa Business and Legal News as one of their “Tulsa 40” young local leaders. In 2017 I had the awesome experience of giving a TEDx talk on supercomputing, and in 2011 I had a lot of fun giving a similar talk (at an Ignite event) about security, called “How your computer can ruin your life and literally kill you dead.”
I serve on the Board of Directors for Tulsa’s Friends of Starlight Concerts, which presents a free ourdoor summer concert series by one of the few remaining professional concert bands in the United States. I also serve on the advisory board for the Tandy School of Computer Science at my alma mater, the University of Tulsa.